My suggestions on how to reach the goal of Hindu Rashtra / Akhand Bharat, step by step


1. #HinduRashtra #akhandbharat might look like distant dreams. However, not if we go to our goal, in steps. In the following thread, I explain my ideas on how we can achieve our dream state, EVEN IF it might take more than one generation.

2. Dear indian Hindus, Because of the kalyug political situation, it can be rather hard to "add" surrounding countries to create #akhandbharat

3. But, don't lose hope, coz there's something we can still have.

4. That's the South & East Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO)

What's SEATO?

5. The South and East Asian Treaty Organization, acronym "S.E.A.T.O.", is a concept for a trade and Military union among the Hindu majority and Buddhist majority countries in the region.

6. This means, basically, a trade and Military alliance among India, Bhutan, Cambodia, Japan, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, And Thailand.

7. Now, the goal to create #akhandbharat has more to do with military, than to do woth general economy.

8. And things such as culture, demography, level of development etc across those countries can differ vastly.

9. So, unlike in the EU, allowing citizens to walk freely across the borders is going to be a problem.

10. Of course, the geography itself limits the movements across land.

Ex : Sri Lanka and Japan are across the ocean.
Mongolia is between Russia and China, and thus separated from the rest of the "allied landmass".

11. However, like the EU, the citizens of the union will have a still easier time traveling from one country to another.

12. Especially if the said countries share land borders with each other (ex : India - Nepal, India - Bhutan, India - Myanmar etc).

13. Also, like the NATO, the governments of those countries can work together MILITARILY, to defend allies against the possible attacks from outside.

14. Also, like the NATO, those same centuries can come together and attack countries outside the alliance, if necessary.

Why SEATO and not SAARC?

15. Here's why. SAARC can never evolve into an #akhandbharat much less a #HinduRashtra.

16. The reason is because SAARC has members, with goals that heavily conflict India's, regarding this matter - Afghanistan, Bangladesh, the Maldives, and Pakistan.

17. These four countries have majorities that are considered as "mleccha" by staunch Hindus, Buddhists, and Sikhs, alike.

18. So, these countries in an org full of Hindu/Buddhist majority countries, is a bad idea, at least currently.

19. Also, SAARC excludes certain countries that we want in the alliance - Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Mongolia, and Japan.

(All of the above said 6 countries have Buddhist ie "Dharmic" majorities.

The goal of this alliance is eventually a union between historically Dharmic territories.

Thus, the more Dharmic countries in, the better.)

20. The last thing I'd wanna see, as a Buddhist, is another org that does the same.

So, SAARC is obsolete in this case.

So, the only option is SEATO.

How can we achieve the goal of SEATO?

21. Well, we can always ask the representatives of the involved governments to come together and talk regarding such an alliance.

22. However, we can't just do that and expect them to obey.

23. As unfortunate as it sounds, many of these "Dharmic" countries have some of the most Adharmic governments.

24. And thus, they're not exactly likely to listen to us, the people.

However, this isn't an impossible task.

Here's what we have to do.

1.  Talk about it.

Yes, talk about it.

Not only on social media, though.

25. It's more important to talk about this idea about the people whom you meet in real life.

26. Your kids, your family, your neighbours, your colleagues, your friends, your service providers, your customers, your friendly politicians in the area...And what not.

27. However, you have to be careful regarding what you talk with them.

Because, not all of them are convinced by hearing the same things.

Especially the mleccha ones among them.

You simply can't tell the mleccha ones the truth.

You've to tell the mlecchas something that's convenient, IF you tell them at all, that is.

I personally don't recommend that.

Use that time to talk to a fellow Dharmic about this.

28. However, if you're talking to a mleccha about this, don't tell him what happens to mlecchas in the Akhand bharat.

29. Tell him that this is just a concept to bring a bunch of countries into one large country.

30. Tell him that the need of this country is because of the constant Christian/Muslim interventions in the region.

31. Whether you use the word Christian, or Muslim, depends on the kinda mleccha you're talking to.

If you're talking to a Christian, use "Muslim".

If you're talking to a Muslim, use "Christian".

32. And, if you're talking to a fellow Dharmic, tell them the actual plan.

Also, tell them that lying to the mlecchas is a part of the plan too.

Tell him why lying is necessary, too.

Tell him why getting rid of the mleccha is necessary, too.

Now, I think you understand the talking part.

2. Work for it.

33. Working for the goal is definitely required to achieve the goal.

Social media posts and comments or whatever ALONE, isn't gonna do this for us.

Study hard.

Start earning fast.

Settle your life soon.

Start having kids asap and as many kids as possible.

Teach them all of the agenda from a young age.

Here's the important thing.

35. Don't teach them this like it's a completely separate political aspect.

36. The need for the SEATO, and then #HinduRashtra #akhandbharat is a religious need.

And thus it needs to be taught to kids as part of the religious indoctrination.

Yes, I said it.

Indoctrination, at least to some degree, is required here.

37. So the Dharmics who come after us, won't fall to the mleccha agendas, such as Christianity, Islam, secularism etc etc

As Dharmic people, we all believe in rebirth.

38. So, even if we fail to achieve our dream within our lifetime, if we act this way, one day, those who come after us, will do it.

And, when we are reborn here, we'll be able to enjoy the fruits of the seeds we're planting now.

39. So, let's get to work, fast.

Hail Dharma ✊

Hail #dharmrakshaks ✊

Hail SEATO ✊
Hail #HinduRashtra #akhnandbharat ✊

If you guys have any suggestions, lemme know and I'll add below 👇

We will have our state ✊

39. Update : I actually calculated to find out how the religious demography of the SEATO will be. I've considered the most recent info.

(Here Dharmic = Hindu + Buddhist + Sikh + Jain)

Dharmic : 82.7%

Muslim : 10.9%

Christian : 2.3%

Other : 3.9%

40. To compare, I'll show you the demography of the proposed Akhand Bharat.

Dharmic : 66.24%

Muslim : 31.1%

Christian : 2.02%

Other : 0.8%

41. Obviously, having over 30% as Muslims is a bad idea at least compared to having less than 11% as Muslims. To show you how bad it'll be to have that many Muslims, lemme tell you this. India, right before partition, had only around 26% as Muslims, and these 26% Muslims ripped India apart into three pieces along religious lines. What makes us think that these nearly 32% Muslims won't do the same?

Lemme tell you. Nothing!

42. Plus, most of these massive Muslim populations will be right next to India's states with a Muslim majority (Kashmir) or significantly large Muslim minority (West Bengal, Assam). Will that be a bad idea? Well, yes, it will!

Now let's talk about the Christians.

43. Now, SEATO will have a larger proportion of Christians, who are only better than Muslims. However, this gap is less than 1% and Christians are nowhere nearly as bad as Muslims are, even though they're still far worse than the worst Dharmic people.

So let's get to work.


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