The Final Request To All Buddhists Of The World From A Concerned Buddhist

Please, my dear brothers and sisters in Dhamma, read it all, fully. I'm begging of all of you.

First of all, I have to say this.

I dearly hope that this won't be the last time I'll be getting to leave a message for all of my brothers and sisters in Dhamma to read.

However, I've decided to lay aside for a while from social media, or at least lessen the time I spend on it, and spend more time on improving myself in the real world, so I can actually make a positive difference for the Buddhists and other Dharmic people of the world. Here, by other Dharmic people, I'm referring to Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, and any other group who follows a religious tradition that independently originated in the Indian subcontinent.

And this, even if this might not be my last message for all of you, this will very likely be my last message for a long time to come.

So, without further due, I will start the message.

Our community is in going through a dangerous phase. Actually, it has been going through this since a long time, and as unfortunately as it sounds, it's not changed even today.

A very long period of Buddhists being massacred, converted to barbaric religious traditions, or expelled from their own lands, our sisters raped, our monks murdered, and our heritage wiped out from lands, sometimes even in Buddhist majority countries...and even right now, it's not over.

It's true that we no longer hear about large scale massacres against Buddhists, but the danger we are facing as a community, is still not over, and it'll never be over as long as the ones causing the trouble are still here on our world.

It's not one party that's been destroying us, even if different parties have been, and still are, differently likely to destroy us.

Most of this destruction has been carried out by muslim groups. There's no point hiding this fact. Starting from stealing the Makularana temple, which they today refer to as the kaaba, all the way to the oppression of Buddhists that's still continuing in Bangladesh to this day, Muslim groups have been destroying us and what's ours since a very long time, and it hasn't stopped even now.

Brothers and sisters, think. Buddha Sasana survived to this day, because of our ancestors who took up weapons and fought those who tried to destroy it. It's true that nowadays waging a large scale warfare is impossible against any kind of enemy, but are we doing what we can to save our Dhamma? Think.

Speaking of doing what we can to save Dhamma, I can't honestly say I'm doing enough in that regard either, which is why I decided to lay aside from social media and spend more time improving myself physically, mentally, economically, and politically, to become someone, something that can actually serve Dhamma; not just serve Dhamma, but to actually make it victorious in the world.

Today's Buddhist population around the world is expected to be around 535 million, and it's actually expected to decrease to around 500 million by 2050, so brothers and sisters, we, as a community aren't doing very well.

You might wonder how do numbers matter so much to us Buddhists? Here's why.

The truth is, brothers and sisters, there are some groups of people who are actively working to outnumber us in our own lands, so they can vote in blocks and elect leaders who act according to their whims, and possibly, at some point, elect one of their own.

Once they get this done, or sometimes even before, they start destroying us and what's ours, dear brothers and sisters.

Look at what's happening in today's Bangladesh. Look what was happening in the neighbouring Myanmar for decades. Their communal attacks against the Buddhists never stopped until Buddhists took matters into their hands and their weapons and took the fight to their very own doorsteps. Buddhists had tried all the peaceful ways for long enough, and nothing had worked. The violence stopped, and the violators started feeling only when the Buddhists started responding in kind.

Even still, they didn't stop, dear brothers and sisters. They cried foul to international media, and tried to get others to do to Myanmar what they themselves couldn't.

They are very dangerous. They try to get their way no matter where. They aren't here on earth to coexist, but to conquer. They are a force created by the intervention by Mara himself, the biggest enemy of Buddha and all Buddhists, to wipe out all Dhamma from the surface of the earth.

Dear brothers and sisters, our valuable Dhamma survived this long because of those who cared for it and did what it takes to protect it, and Dhamma will continue to thrive only if there are enough of us who will protect it, and destroy its enemies with in whatever way we can.

At this point you might be wondering whether it is okay for a Buddhist to respond to violence with more violence even as a last resort.

Dear brothers and sisters, I'm not saying that we can't protect Buddhism without violence. We can, at least for the most part, especially in today's world. But with parties who want nothing but your blood, who has a history of slaughtering, converting, or expelling Buddhists and destroying our heritage, you have to at least stay prepared to fight them.

Know this. The most successful is always, always, the most capable of violence, and in order for Buddhists to be more successful than our enemies, we have to be the most successful on earth, or, in other words, the most capable of violence, as a religious community.

So, how are we going to do that?

Here, I'm going to state and explain a set of actions that we can do to make sure that our Dhamma not only survives, but also thrives.

 Don't let your guard down with any party.

Now, I'm not promoting the idea of being hateful towards non Buddhists, or anyone. Certainty, I don't want to see rifts growing among the Dharmic communities ie Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, and any others, if any.

However, in order to make sure that the Dhamma thrives, Buddhists have to certify control over the lands we already do have the control over, and to spread into and seize the control over the lands we've no control over.

In order to do that we have to act in expansionist ways, peacefully.

Your muslim neighbour, your muslim friend, or the muslim vender in the locality might seem like the best person you know. Honestly, he can actually be a good person in heart who wants to see no wrong coming to you, from anyone.

However, he can, equally likely, be someone who hates you and wants to see you turned into a slave of the same master as he is, or worse, killed, and if you're a sister, raped and made into a baby making machine to breed many unfortunate kids, who will later be indoctrinated and moulded into violent enemies of Dhamma.

You can never know that until it's too late at which point you can't do anything except feeling sad.

Sometimes, you might never come across that situation in your life. Sometimes, you'll live happily alongside the Muslims you know in your life, and die without any bitter memories with them.

But think about what your actions might lead into. If you act in a way that helps them expand further within a Buddhist territory, once they take over the major part of the territory, they are definitely going to start restricting Buddhists from being Buddhists, and in most instances, are going to actively erase signs of Buddhism from the land.

There are different ways ignorant Buddhists are helping the enemy of Dhamma grow.

Buddhist parents who have muslim kids are generally the most harmful towards the Sasana in this regard, because a Buddhist parenting a muslim means that person not only ends a Buddhist bloodline, but also starts a muslim one ie a bloodline that will very likely lead to the destruction of Buddhism.

So if you're a Buddhist who's married to a muslim, or a non Buddhist at all, think about this, and try to correct your mistake right now.

If you're not in a position which allows you to have the upper hand over the family matters, start building that as soon as possible. Encourage your non Buddhist family members to come live with you in a different place, or invite a Buddhist relative party to live closely etc however, act in ways that'll increase the Buddhist presence, and thus power, where your family is. Don't allow your kids to choose their religion. Make the choice, Buddhism, for them.

If you don't care about this, remember one thing. You're committing the sin of causing the spreading of niyatha michchaditti ie the definite wrong sightedness, on the land, which is the most grievous sin in Buddhism, and you're causing huge suffering for your own self for a long time to come, in this world, and in the hereafter.

A man appeared as a preta after his death, and he was condemned, by his own karma, to eat the flesh of his own face for a long time because he simply attempted to stop his wife and daughter from offering flowers to Buddha. He didn't even actively hurt Buddha Sasana, and look where he ended up for his action. Can you think where you'll end up for helping the enemies of Buddha Sasana in this life?

Even if a Buddhist might not be a parent of non Buddhist kids, there are still ways a Buddhist can be acting in ways that aid the spreading of muslim parties in a land, such as having certain economical interactions with Muslims.

I added the word "certain" for a reason. Not every kind of economical interaction with Muslims can be treated as one that aids them. Also, it's not always possible to avoid all kinds of interactions with them. Furthermore, sometimes, having a certain interaction with them can actually help Buddha Sasana grow rather than hindering it, and here's how.

Say we Buddhists buy property from Muslims but never sell to them. What happens is they gradually lose control over the land, because the more we spread into their land, the more they lose control over the land.

However, here's the thing. Muslims are generally very unlikely to sell their property to non Muslims, and that too because of this very reason. They are very expansionist, and if we are to defeat their agenda against our community, we have to be more expansionist than them, or at least just as expansionist as them.

Here's how we can do that.

Number one is, seek to become an actually influential person. With a huge economy or a political power, one can make significant differences.

Are you still having education? Finish education soon, with an easily sellable qualification. Then, find, or create a source of income soon.

Here, I also appreciate a lot the service of armed forces, because that's one service that must be kept under as much Buddhist power as possible, at least in the Buddhist majority countries.

So, finish education soon, have your own source of income, and marry a fellow Buddhist. It's important that you marry a Buddhist here, and here is why.

I personally don't think that people of other Dharmic faiths are harmful to Buddhists. Historically, there have been conflicts but they're mostly, if not always, have been due to political reasons rather than religious ones. Other than that, Dharmic communities have been historically United and bond, tightly, with one another, and fought against enemies, together.

However, karma doesn't care about this. Karma doesn't change based on the changes in the societies we live in. If we act in a way that spreads anything that's in conflict with what our Gauthama Buddha taught us, we're very likely to end up in big trouble in our after lives!

Now, I know that Dharmic communities, especially Hindus, don't think of Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jains, as separate belief system followers, but those who follow different ways to attain the same nirvana at the end.

However, we still aren't quite sure if this is how actually karma works too, and thus, it's not a chance we should actually take.

Even if that's true and thus karma equally favors other Dharmic traditions as much as it favors our own Buddhist traditions, karma still doesn't favor the traditions of religions outside the Dharmic umbrella, such as, for example, Islam, and here's why.

Observing a sil ie a discipline, is three way.

 1. Not breaking the sil

 2. Not causing another person to break the sil

 3. Not encouraging breathing the sil

Similarly, committing a sin is also three way.

 1. Doing something bad

 2. Causing another person to do something bad

 3. Encouraging doing the bad thing

Doing something bad

Not following the word of Buddha, stopping following it ie leaving Buddhism, are generally the two ways a person can do something bad, when it comes to faith in Buddha's word.

Causing another person to do something bad

Parenting a non Buddhist kid, willingly allowing a blood relative to be a non Buddhist etc are causing another person to do something bad.

Encouraging doing the bad thing

Fostering a non Buddhist kid, spending on a non Buddhist family, employing a non Buddhist, or allowing a loved one or a close friend to be a non Buddhist, willingly etc are encouraging doing the bad thing.

Like I said again, maybe these sins applied not regarding the Buddhist vs non Buddhist difference, but regarding the Dharmic vs Adharmic difference. Even if the latter is true ie a Buddhist is allowed to parent a non Buddhist but Dharmic kid, spend on a non Buddhist but Dharmic family etc the same can't be said about a Buddhist parenting a non Dharmic kid, or a Buddhist spending on a non Dharmic family etc.

So, as you can see, a part of what the sin is and what the sin isn't, is blurry, but another part of that is not.

Here's why willingly acting in favor of an Adharmic party is definitely a grievous sin.

In order to be niyatha michchaditti, a karma has to be one or more than one of ten kinds. The tenth kind is the important one here, and that is "the disbelief in Buddhas who independently realized the truth of the worlds".

For example, Christians largely believe that Buddha was the devil himself. Muslims either believe him to be a fake teacher, or believe him to be a prophet whose teaching was corrupted with time.

Either way, both of those communities don't believe what one should believe about Buddhas ie they don't believe Buddhas to be ones who independently realize the truth about the worlds.

At this point, I have to state this too. Hindus don't believe similar offensive things about Buddha. They believe his word to be true, just as much as we do. However, they don't treat Buddha's word as the only authority regarding the truth of the world.

Also, at a cultural level speaking, unlike Christians or Muslims, Hindus don't press on the Buddhist they marry, to convert or to raise the kids in own religion. A Hindu kid of a Buddhist parent ending up becoming a hindu parent of a Buddhist kid later on, is far more likely than a Christian or a muslim kid of a Buddhist parent later on parenting a Buddhist kid. With Christians, that's very unlikely, and with Muslims, that's near impossible. This is because Christians generally abandon those who leave Christianity, and Muslims actually kill them, and raising a non muslim kid, to them, is the same as abandoning Islam.

So, don't act in a way that allows Adharma to grow in the land. However, this isn't an individual task. You, my brother and my sister, are going to need the help of the Buddhists around you.

Have good relations with the Buddhists you meet in your life. Try to understand their political and religious interests. If it seems that they agree with you at a significant level regarding this topic, tell them what I'm telling here. The more you talk, the more likely you are to gain companions.

If you find "Buddhists" who seem too stupid to understand this, don't worry too much. However, treat them the same way you treat those enemies of Dhamma, because such "Buddhists" are enemies of Dhamma too, anyway.

Don't buy goods or services from the enemies of Dhamma, and don't sell property to them. Don't seek a marriage from their communities and if they seek a marriage from the Buddhist community, make sure the member who seeks the marriage becomes a Buddhist beforehand, and also that all his affairs For the rest of his life remains under the control and influence of the Buddhist party.

Dear sisters of Dhamma, this part is specifically for you.

As much as I hate to admit, this is a war we can't win without keeping our numbers as ever high as possible. But, this is also a war that can turn physical before any of us knows it. So, every single one of you has a responsibility to give as many healthy sons and daughters for the cause of making the Dhamma thrive, as possible. Here's how you can do that.

Marry before the age of 21. As soon as you reach 21, start getting pregnant. Bear kids once every 34 months, for as long as possible. You'll very likely be able to bear at least 11 kids within your life.

This way, you can make the healthiest sons and daughters for Sasana, with the most frequency.

Sisters, don't think I'm devaluing your freedoms as women, especially as Buddhist women. I'm not. I respect your womanhood and your Buddhisthood, equally.

However, think about this, dear sisters. What are we leading our community to, if we act carelessly today? What are we leading our very own after lives to, by acting in ways that collect us scores of sin to be paid off?

So, please, think about this, and act accordingly.

And brothers, to you, please always be as cooperative as possible towards your wives, and other sisters in Dhamma. Keep them protected whenever it's necessary. Because, rejecting a fake love proposal from an enemy of Dhamma can cause that enemy oh Dhamma to inflict revenge on our sister.

Recently, a hindu girl was killed by a muslim guy who was asking her to convert and marry him. We have to make sure this never happens to a Buddhist girl, or any other Dharmic girl.

We've to always watch for the well being of our sisters, and keep the happy in their ways of life, and in return, I hope they consider that the Buddhist motherhood as the best thing they can achieve, through which they can make the biggest contribution to Dhamma.

So, brothers, start earning as soon as possible, marry soon after, prefer to marry a Buddhist woman that's below the age of 21, and start having kids with her as soon as she turns 21, once every 34 months. That means her first bearing should happen when she's 21 years and 10 months old, and afterwards, once every 34 months.

Raise these kids in a strictly Buddhist environment. Don't tell them why we're doing all of these things while they're too young, because if they unintentionally end up telling them to an unnecessary party, that can mean trouble to us Buddhists.

So, don't do that. Instead, grow the faith of your kids in you. Convince them that you know what's best for them, and what others tell them isn't always the truth. Once they're old enough to know to keep a secret, you can tell them what's going on against Buddha Dhamma and why we're doing what we're doing.

Learn a martial art, and teach your family. Learn a weapon, and teach your family. Collect and keep as many deadly weapons as possible in a place with safety and easy access. Stay as a tightly knit community not only with fellow Buddhists, but also with those who want goodness for Buddhists from among the Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains.

When a Buddhist or another Dharmic is under attack by an enemy of Dhamma, rush to help, in large numbers. Make sure the attackers never make it back, and if you can, make it to the enemy areas, and certifying your own safety, make sure they are made incapable of any kinda violence against your party ever again.

Gradually, free the land from their control, and thus, make the land safe for all Buddhists, and their allies, the fellow Dharmic communities.

Also, be severe towards those who leave Dharma for Adharma. If any amongst you leave Buddhism for, say, Islam, be as severe towards him or her, as possible. Make an example for the other such weak Buddhists, to make sure they never make such a mistake, ever in their lives.

It's not impossible, dear brothers and sisters. According to a 2013 report by Johnson and Grim, we Buddhists have increased from 138 million to 495 million within a century, between 1910 and 2010.

We can do that again. It's not easy, but it's possible, because we did that once, with more resistance against us than we have today.

If we keep increasing at the same rate, we will pass the one billion mark before the end of 2066, and if we do what I've said here, we're gonna hit the one billion even sooner.

Once we fully take control over a country, we can use its force to attack and take over nearby countries that are ruled by enemies of Dhamma too.

Most importantly, India is placed very strategically, in the centre of southern Asia. Whoever conquers india, conquers the Buddhist world next. The only way to stop that, thus, is to make sure that India returns 100% to the Dharmic control, and preferably Buddhist control.

Buddhists nowadays are proving to be the most capable of violence among the Dharmic communities, and thus, a land led by Buddhist will be the best place for all Dharmic people to thrive on.

So, these will be my last words for a long time to come. Hopefully, the next time, I'll be able to state my words in a more...victorious manner, and not shivering in fear for our own future like I am doing now.

So, get to work dear brothers and sisters, and I'll do the same. Let's do this! We still can!

To All the Buddhists, triple gem bless you all!

To All others, may Krishna, Waheguru, Tirthankara help you!

So, until next time!!


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