A letter to all Buddhists in the world from a concerned Buddhist

A letter to all Buddhists in the world from a concerned Buddhist

(The passages are numbered to make it easier for you to pause and read later.)

Dear brothers and sisters,

1. We're at a critical situation as a community. To be honest with you, we've been coming through a critical period, ever since Mara, the enemy of all Buddhas, the enemy of the entire Buddha order, started sending down his henchmen to destroy the order. Noticeably, these two. Likely there have been more of them, but let's consider these two, one who appeared over 2 millennia ago and the other one who appeared around 6 centuries after this 1st one - let's consider these two people.

2. The first one, never married, never had a kid, never preached hatred...at least, that's what his followers openly proclaim and most of the "holy" books of the religion this man brought forth, tell us about him. This man, supposedly lived a life of dignity, was killed violently and brutally by those who hated his teachings, and supposedly, rose from the dead three days later. Today, the community this man started, is the largest, and the 2nd fastest growing.

3. The second one, married at least thirteen times to different women, had his own kids most of whom died later, preached the most moral moral code of the world...according to his own followers, of course, which most others nowadays don't seem to believe. This man, reportedly, lived a life of violence, and was poisoned to death by a woman whose family was murdered by this man's henchmen. He didn't rose from the dead, though. Today, the community this man started is the second largest, and the fastest growing.

4. Now, obviously, you know where I'm headed at. I'm not telling these two are definitely the only two henchmen of Mara that have been sent down. There could have been more. Maybe there are some of them even today. What I wanted to say is that these two are very easily noticeable, and you also see why; one caused the creation of the largest non Buddhist community today. The other one caused the creation of the fastest growing non Buddhist community today.

5. If you genuinely examine the history of both of these communities (which is a hard thing to do, by the way, because "the history is written by the victors, and in the history shared by these two groups, either of them have almost always been the victors), you'll see that how harmful both of these communities have been, and still are, towards the Buddhists, wherever either of these two have the upper hand over the Buddhists.

6. From the temple of Makularama (in today's Mecca), all the way to the border between Bangladesh and Myanmar, and elsewhere too, these two groups have destroyed Buddha order, and still are, to this 

7. They're tricking Buddhists into converting to their false ideologies created by Mara himself  to drive people out of the Buddha order and to hell, in the afterlife. They're tricking Buddhists into causing the birth of members of their own ideologies, destroying Buddhist bloodlines at the same time. They're tricking Buddhists into spending the hard earned money, which come back at the Buddhists as a conversion attempt, or verse, a violent attack that might even take Buddhist lives. They're violently subjugation Buddhists into converting to their false ideologies, or paying them protection money to fund their propagation into the Buddha order even further, or they kill Buddhists, because since they believe in ideas sponsored by Mara himself, whose very name means "death", they don't find killing for Mara as wrong.

8. It doesn't matter what they refer to Mara as. It is still Mara only. Yes, they refer to him as "God", in different languages, by the way. One group refers to him by the name for God in Arabic. The other, as "God" or by the Hebrew word.

9. On the surface, it looks like both groups don't agree with the same ideas in certain occasions, and thus Buddhists are tricked into thinking that one group is the ally of the Buddhist against the other. But no, that's not true. That is just another trick my Mara to trick Buddhists into making themselves vulnerable for the communities started by the henchmen of Mara.

10. Remember this. To a Buddhist, the only real ally is another Buddhist. That's it. Not a non Buddhist, and certainly not a hypocrite, and what is a hypocrite, is what I'm going to discuss a little later.

11. Now I'm not saying that all non Buddhists are enemies of the Buddha order. Well, all non Buddhists of those above said communities are enemies of the Buddha order, but not all non Buddhists are enemies of the Buddha order either. However, as Buddhists, we've to be very careful regarding everything we do with the non Buddhists, and some others we know as "Buddhists" as well, because they're not really Buddhists. Just because someone was caused to be born by a Buddhist father, a Buddhist mother, or a Buddhist couple, and now this person also identifies as a Buddhist, doesn't mean he's a Buddhist.

12. A Buddhist is a person who doesn't do a thing that stands in the way of the Buddha order, and in times like these ie in times the armies of Mara are actively walking among us, destroying the Buddha order, being a real Buddhist matters a lot. How to be a real, practical Buddhist in times like these, will be discussed later in this article/thread.

13. Whom I refer to as a hypocrite is a Buddhist who acts in ways that endanger the Buddha order. 

14. Does a "Buddhist" knowingly acts in a way that directly or indirectly benefits the armies of Mara? He's a non Buddhist.

15. Let me try to explain a little further, with more details and examples.

16. Does a Buddhist keep friends with members of the two above said communities while he does have the opportunity to not do so, he's a non Buddhist.

17. What do I mean by "while he does have the opportunity not to do so"? Let me clarity here.

18. Nowadays, most of the Buddhist community is misguided into considering the soldiers of the Mara's armies ie members of the two above said communities, and possible other similar communities, as friends, or sometimes, as unfortunately as it sounds, relatives.

19. There are "Buddhists" who are married to members of those above said communities. There are "Buddhists" who have offspring that belong to the above said two communities. What happens is, these people work towards converting those entire Buddhist bloodlines that they're related to, into the Mara sponsored false religions, and thus, leading them all to hell after they die.

20. This is a very dangerous situation for Buddhists, and the Buddhist community is in need of some serious cleansing.

21. Know this. Mara won't be done with his mission until the last Buddhist dies and until then he'll keep employing more and more people among the ranks in his armies. People even from the Buddhist community itself! Because, he doesn't care about anything except sending all people astray ie away from the only way that leads the person out of all suffering. That's all he cares about and he's going to do everything he can to achieve his goal.

22. Since most of the Buddhist community, unfortunately, is misguided nowadays, Buddhists who believe in the same ideas as what I'm stating here ie the ones who aren't misguided, are usually forced into silence. They're usually not in positions to do anything about this Mara sponsored invasion of the Buddha order. Such Buddhists, sometimes, are forced to interact with the soldiers of Mara in ways they shouldn't as a Buddhist who's concerned about what's happening.

23. Such Buddhists who genuinely interact with the soldiers of Mara in certain positive ways only to keep what's theirs intact so they can fight off the soldiers of Mara when the opportunity rises, aren't collecting bad karma, unlike the Buddhists who are free to not interact with the same said groups. Why? Here's why.

24. Remember, that Buddha said "monks, I'm telling you, that the intention is what becomes the karma." What's the intention of the Buddhist who does something against what a practicing Buddhist should do because of having no choice, and what's the intention of a Buddhist who does the exact same thing in spite of having the choice not to do so? Is the intention the same in both hearts?

25. No, it's not. The intentions are different. The intention of the earlier said Buddhist is to stay out of trouble so he can protect and serve the Buddha order. The intention of the other Buddhist is to be a reason that defeats the Buddha order in the hands of the armies of Mara. Their intentions aren't the same at all, and thus, nor are the karma they attain from what they do.

26. The latter one is the only Buddhist that's attaining bad karma because of what he does, and know this, for a Buddhist, it's wrong to do something bad and also to be a part of someone else doing something bad, and thus, actively working to destroy the Buddha order, and directly or indirectly working in a way that benefits the armies of Mara, who in turn destroy the Buddha order, are both bad karma.

27. "Niyatha michchadhitti" aka "the definite wrong sightedness" is referred to as the worst state of mind a being can have, and it consists of ten characteristics, and the tenth one is "not believing that there are Buddhas ie people who understood the world as is by themselves and taught others". Since the members of the above said two communities don't believe this about Buddha, they're committing niyatha michchadhitti, and the "Buddhists" who act in ways that benefit those said communities, also commit the same sin, although possibly in different intensities, and dying with niyatha michchadhitti is worse than having committed an "ananthariya papakamma" ie the sins that brings the doer directly to hell after his life on this world ends. Those are :

 1. Killing own mother

 2. Killing own father

 3. Killing an Arhat

 4. Causing division among monks

 5. Physically harming a Buddha

28. Doing any of the five sends the doer to hell right after he's dead, and dying with a state of niyatha michchadhitti is still worse. Can you guess what happens to the Buddhists who die, considering the members of those said communities, as friends?

29. Can you guess where they go after they die?

30. Do you want to be one of those unfortunate souls? Obviously, you don't.

31. Now, don't panic. We still have time. We still have time to protect and serve the Buddha order. We still have time to take down the armies of Mara. But...We have to work together as Buddhists, or what will follow will be exactly what followed from the Makularama Buddhist temple, all the way to the border between Bangladesh and Myanmar, and in other places as well.

32. Buddhists aren't free to be Buddhists in countries like Indonesia. They're being exterminated in countries like Bangladesh. They've been almost completely eradicated in countries like Pakistan, and they've been completely eradicated in countries like Iran.

33. Should that happen to Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Japan, Bhutan, and every other places where Buddhists live as well?

34. One more thing before I stop for now. Those two above said groups aren't the only two groups that actively destroy the Buddha order. There are others, and all such groups that appeared after Buddha passed away, likely were sponsored by Mara. Whether that's the case or not, we Buddhists, individually and collectively, must become what it takes to make sure of the protection, freedom, and propagation of the Buddha order.

35. I'll stop now. From the next article/thread, I'll explain how we should work together to defeat all armies of Mara, and return the empire of Gauthama to its former glory.

Now, I'll stop. Share/RT and let other Buddhists read too. Try not to let those above said groups see this.

Triple Gem Bless You all 🙏


  1. Replies
    1. Brother, plz consider sharing this article's link in social media, so others Buddhists also can read, and start working on our ideological enemies. We're in a critical situation, brother 🙏 triple gem bless you 🙏


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