A Few Timely Advises For Fellow Dharmic People
I think I should 1st define who Dharmic people are, according to me. In this article, by the terms "Dharmic people" or "Dharmics," I refer to people who follow one or more than one of them four Dharmic religions, namely, Hinduism Buddhism Sikhism Jainism So let's begin. 1. Be in good terms with your fellow Dharmics. Help each other, as Dharmics. Get together regularly at the local temples or elsewhere convenient, and discuss peacefully what's going on around you and in the world. 2. Pay special attention to what's going on in the Dharmic world, and come up with ideas to respond to them. Follow the 7 rules to avoid destruction, laid out by Buddha himself, and any such sets of guidelines laid out by any other such Guru, such as Shiva, Guru Nanak, or Mahavir etc. 3. Most importantly, among them, get together, discuss, and disperse peacefully. Get together regularly. Keep the women of the community safe. These rules come from Buddha. Lemme know of similar ru...