A Few Timely Advises For Fellow Dharmic People

I think I should 1st define who Dharmic people are, according to me. In this article, by the terms "Dharmic people" or "Dharmics," I refer to people who follow one or more than one of them four Dharmic religions, namely,





So let's begin.

1. Be in good terms with your fellow Dharmics. Help each other, as Dharmics. Get together regularly at the local temples or elsewhere convenient, and discuss peacefully what's going on around you and in the world.

2. Pay special attention to what's going on in the Dharmic world, and come up with ideas to respond to them. Follow the 7 rules to avoid destruction, laid out by Buddha himself, and any such sets of guidelines laid out by any other such Guru, such as Shiva, Guru Nanak, or Mahavir etc.

3. Most importantly, among them, get together, discuss, and disperse peacefully. Get together regularly. Keep the women of the community safe. These rules come from Buddha. Lemme know of similar rules taught by other gurus of Dharma so I can add them here later.

4. Listen to the elders and ppl with more experience, especially when it comes to the threats coming from certain anti Dharma parties.

5. Marry as soon as possible, have as many kids as possible, and teach them dharma well. Those couples who can't have kids, please already adopt from somewhere, and make sure that those kids follow Dharma.

6. Otherwise, don't adopt at all. Help a poor Dharmic family so they can have more and more kids. Buddha said that the sons are the treasure of humanity, so more sons, the better. I should have said earlier but lemme say now.

7. The reason I thought I should make this post is for two reasons.

1. Dharmic community is projected to diminish in both number and percentage

 2. Dharmics are persecuted at different levels wherever they are the minority.


8. Now, here, I don't like to sound forceful or annoying to the reader, but I'd like to suggest a few tips so we can overcome this problem pretty fast.

For the brothers I'd like to encourage you to

- finish education fast

- find/create a source of income faster

- have a wife, or if possible, wives, even faster, if possible

- convince your wife/wives to have as many Dharmic kids as possible with you

- teach your kids Dharma from a very early age, and teach them the crisis situation we've been facing since a long time, and teach your sons to do exactly what I've suggested you to do here.

For the sisters, I'd like to encourage you to

- finish education fast IF you prefer to have a formal education. However, if you think you should rather marry, do it. But, just make sure you marry a brother in Dharma, ONLY. sisters in Bengal, Assam, and Kashmir...be exceptionally careful about Muslim and other savage youth seeking to trap you.

- if you seek a formal career, after education, find/create a source of income for you. If not, marry a brother in Dharma.

- if you can put your time and effort into making as many kids as possible, by all means, do it. However, if you can't, for some reasons, at least make a few kids, or at least adopt some abandoned kids. However, if you get such kids to adopt, make sure to choose the youngest ones you can choose, because the younger a kid is, the easier it is to establish Dharma in their hearts.

- teach your kids Dharma from a very early age, and teach them the crisis situation we've been facing since a long time, and teach your daughters to do exactly what I've suggested you to do here.

9. I don't think a sister's place is about making kids and looking after the house, only. However, sisters, and brothers too, think about this. What's happening in our own Dharmic lands because of us, as a Dharmic people, not doing our best to increase in numbers as fast as possible? The savages are breeding like animals and creating voting blocks and terror groups to kill us away from our own lands. All I'm saying, is think what's gonna happen to our sons and daughters who are to come after us, if we don't make enough brothers and sisters for them, from ourselves. Plz, dear brother and sister, don't let Dharma die, in its land or elsewhere.

10. It might take more than one generation, but your good efforts will be rewarded handsomely in the afterlife, and very likely this life too.

11. So, I'd advise my sisters and brothers in Dharma, to marry soon, have many kids, and most importantly, I request all sisters in Dharma, to stay virgin till marriage (I know most of you do it anyway. This call is for those who possibly don't.). There's a theory which states that a womb is more prolific when it's less used for just pleasure sex. Pleasure should be there when it comes to sex, but child bearing is equally important. Sex that gives pleasure, but not children, is not Dharmic.

12. Brothers in Dharma should do just by the women and should stay virgin till marriage too. Don't feed into modern narratives that says that virginity is a bad thing; it's not. It's a purity and a sacrifice for Dharma.

13. Becoming a monk is an important aspect to discuss here as we know monks aren't supposed to have sex OR any other family affairs. To overcome that problem, I'd suggest two things

14. Before becoming a monk, have as many kids as possible as a father/mother. It's better if the women actually remain as mothers as long as they in order to make sure they make the highest amount of kids they can.

15. Men who become monks later, make sure your wives are taken care of well IF they don't enter the monk life along with you or around the same time.

We need to follow a little different tradition now.

16. We need to a new role to our community; a regular Dharmic person (not a monk), that lives in a temple, takes care of it, teaches Dharma and organizes the local Dharmic community regarding their activities.

17. This person also should have a family elsewhere and he should be able to take care of the family and father as many kids as possible. All Dharmic kids. He's not a monk and thus shouldn't dress like one.

18. His duty is, in a few words : to take care of the protection and expansion of the Dharmic community.

19. He should teach ppl Dharma and what's going on against the Dharmic community today, and organize them to act, just like I'm doing now, or even better.

20. Regarding the non Dharmic affairs, live with them peacefully until they attack you first...now, this part isn't gonna sound very Dharmic at first, but please bear with me first.

21. Since you're at peace with the non Dharmic, if any ppl of any certain community attack you, consider that as that particular community declaring war against the Dharmic community, and fight back wherever you can fight back.

22. The Dharmics who are in a position where they can't fight back, should do one of these two things.

1. Prepare enough and fight back.

2. If it's obvious you can't fight and win, leave the land and go to lands where you can settle, prepare, and take the war back to the land you left behind.

23. They've driven you outta your lands so now you should drive them outta your lands which they've occupied.

24. Don't act in a way that benefits them, especially when it comes to allowing them to expand into the Dharmic territory in any way.

25. Expand the Dharmic community into their territory, but never let them do the same to you. If they seek to buy your land, refuse the proposal peacefully, or ask them to become Dharmic 1st. 

26. If they refuse and still demand your land, fight them through legal means or otherwise. Fight those who fight you and those who are commanded to fight you, but don't fight an innocent community. Indeed, Dharma is the most just.

27. Fight them the same way they fight you or better than the way they fight you, but don't fight if they don't fight you first. Indeed, Dharma is the only real mercy.

28. If they don't fight you now, they might be waiting for a certain opportunity to start fighting you later so prepare for war during the times of peace. Buddha appreciated the service of a soldier to the community.

29. You're on the right way. The only think you should buy from them but should never sell them, is land or property. For the rest, the rules are opposite; sell them goods and services, but don't buy from them.

30. When you act in a way that's beneficial to a non Dharmic community, you promote the worst deed a Dharmic can commit : helping an anti Dharmic community overpower the Dharmics.

31-33 Speaking of acts that benefit them, what about interfaith marriage? It's better to avoid such marriages at all costs.

34. But, if it's a situation you can't avoid it, this is what you have to do.

35. Always make sure that the non Dharmic party has the upper hand regarding all matter of the marriage, before, during and after it takes place. Lemme explain further.

36. If a non Dharmic seeks marriage with a Dharmic, ask him to become a Dharmic 1st. If he truly seeks the partner, he'll convert, right? If he refuses to convert, it can be because of a few reasons.

37. He seeks to continue his relationship with his cousins and friends and becoming a Dharmic can stand in his way, sometimes even violently. There are groups who violently respond to those who leave their religion.

38. If a member of such a group seeks marriage with the Dharmic community, I'd say the best is to flatly say NO and make sure no trouble comes to the Dharmic member from members of this community, later on.

39. If not, ask him to convert. If it doesn't work, here's what to do. Make sure the offspring of the marriage turn out Dharmic and this non Dharmic also follow a through what the Dharmics follow through.

40. In their household, only Dharma should be promoted and preached to the kids and others.

41. Members of the non Dharmic person's community shouldn't be visiting the house, especially at times in which the Dharmic presence in the house is weaker than the non Dharmic visiting party.

42. The offspring shouldn't be sent to educational institutes where the said non Dharmic party has the upper hand over the Dharmic party, unless the Dharmic party can make sure such an upper hand poses no threat to such kids.

43. Honestly, there are a lot of things to be careful of if we let such a marriage take place so let's be a little more realistic : what's the point of spending this life together only to let karma set the two apart in the next life?

44. If you truly love your partner, you'll wanna be with him/her in your next life too, but if only one of you dies as a Dharmic, that's very less likely to happen, because you two mismatch in discipline, one of the four components that should be similar between the couple, if they seek to be together in the afterlife too, according to Buddha.

45. Discipline means the discipline in Dharma, and only a Dharmic can acquire that because it requires belief in the word of a guru of Dharma.

46.1 So, as you can see, interfaith marriage isn't a good idea for Dharmic, especially if the other person belongs to a community that's violent or expansionist (or both) community. So, that's all for now.

46.2 something to add here is that, a marriage between two Dharmic faiths isn't actually referred to as "interfaith" here.

Ex : Hindu-Buddhist, Hindu-Sikh, Hindu-Jain, Buddhist-Sikh, Buddhist-Jain, Sikh-Jain aren't interfaith; they're inter-Dharma, as both members belong to Dharmic religions.

46.3 in these cases, I'd say any kinda conversion shouldn't be promoted, and the offspring should be allowed to choose their own Dharma, let it be one of the two, or both of them, even.

47. It's a lot, I know, but please, we need to protect Dharma for those who come after us 

48. and we should help as many people in the world as possible while we still can. Thank you for bearing with me till now.

49. The post will expand later with added suggestions. Lemme know your suggestions too and I'll add them to later tweets on the same thread.

50. Also, if you see this link shared via a social media post, you'll be able to send me a message through the social media itself. To all Dharmics, may Dharma protect you.

51. To all others, come and join us, so Dharma will be your guidance to eternal freedom and happiness.

Triple gem bless you all! Sri Krishna, Waheguru help you all!

My Twitter : DharmicThe

My email : sandhupamaliyanage@gmail.com


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