A Call to Action, Specifically for the Buddhists of the World


Dear brothers and sisters in Buddha Dhamma, I'm requesting you, plz spare 14 minutes to read an article today, that's important for all Buddhists in the world.

I decided to write this because of one reason, basically.

Buddhists have the calculated highest median age, the lowest birth rate, and a MINUS conversion rate (ie more people leave than convert).

This situation is quite detrimental when you think about it, as a Buddhist, because this means the ground of the world the Buddhists hold keeps shrinking with time ie Buddhists lose more and more political power with time.

Now, you might tell me, at this point, that "so what? Isn't Buddhism all about detachment?" Now, as much as that's true, Buddhism is about being intelligent first, and thus, if our detachment today leads to disaster tomorrow, that's not the kinda detachment Buddhism promotes.

Always know that Buddhism is practical 1st. Practicality is what comes in Buddhism 1st; not detachment or peace or anything. Those are things that weak people who identify with Buddhism say to excuse their lack of service for Dhamma. I call them "Detachment Olympics".

However, these same people do say that people, like me, use the Buddhist scripture as an excuse for our behaviour, for example, when I invoke Buddha's statements such as "sons are the treasure of mankind" to promote the idea of Buddhist couples having as many kids as possible,

Or "monks, I'm telling you that the intention is the karma" to promote the idea that Buddhism does have a place for violence, when violence is committed in the service of Dhamma ie the word of Buddha/the governing rule of the universe, or "...O maara, I will not pass away until

my followers start evidently bashing hearsay, which are wrong..." to promote the idea that ideas that conflict the teachings of Buddha deserve nothing but contempt from the Buddhists ie Buddhists must criticize ideas that contradict Buddhist scripture, including such religions.

These people talk as if leaving home as soon as possible, becoming a monk, and feeding on what's offered by food donors ALONE is what it means to be a Buddhist, while half of Buddha's teachings, and that means 42,000 out of the 84,000 Dhammakkhandha (Dharma masses), are about

how to lead a successful life as a normal everyday Buddhist. For example, Singalowada Sutta is about the responsibilities of all members of the Buddhist community towards each other.

Importantly, this Sutta states the responsibilities of the Buddhist monk towards the rest of the community as well, and that's not just feeding on what the donors give and advise them to keep attachments away.

No, the monk's duty is to advise the regular Buddhists on how to lead a successful worldly life, as well, that'll however ultimately leads to a successful hereafter.

Buddha laid out the "Seven Rules of Welfare," while talking about the Vajjians, to teach the Buddhist world what kept the Vajjians from cultural and political degeneration. How many of our local Buddhist communities are following these?

Now look at where we are because of generations of ignoring them.

Look how many countries we Buddhists have lost because of ignoring them. The temple Makularama is one of the 16 major temples mentioned in early Buddhist texts of the Indian subcontinent, especially Sri Lanka.

Where do you think the temple Makularama is, or more like, where do you think it WAS, before it was turned into something else, by a group of militant local tribesmen, who destroyed all but one statues in the temple, and have been using it their direction indicator for prayer?

I think you already understand which place I'm taking about. Yes, I'm talking about the kaaba in Mecca.

Makularama = maku + l + arama = temple of maku = temple of Mecca

So, you now understand what Makularama was, and what happened to that place.

The barbarians, the savages, the demons living inside human meat suits, who stole our Makularama from us, didn't stop there. They went on to conquer massive land masses, they belonged to us Buddhists, one after another.

The Arabian peninsula, the Levant, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Maldives, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei...all of which that once belonged to us Buddhists. Today?

Also, they're not done yet, and they, these soldiers of Mara, won't be done until they take over every piece of land that's under the control of the Buddhists.

Our ancestors fell for this army of Mara because they took their initial safety and freedom for granted, and forgot the teachings of Buddha.

But we don't have to be that way, & if we're gonna keep making the same mistakes our ancestors were making, possibly we ourselves, & our sons and daughters, and their sons and daughters, will be minorities in their own countries and will be living like slaves of these barbarians.

If you're gonna tell me "those things happened ages ago. They're not gonna happen again. They're a peaceful bunch now," they're not. They've not stopped, and they're never gonna stop until every single land ruled that's under the control of Buddhists, is under their control.

Why do they act this way? Because that's exactly what they're commanded to do in their guide books, created by the intervention of Mara himself, which they don't know. They think they're following the almighty God, while their "God" is nothing but Mara himself.

As a Buddhist, to me, it doesn't really matter if there is God. Buddhist way is independent of God's existence or nonexistence.

However, we know who the biggest enemy of the Buddhist order is, and thus, we know who's most pleasured about the destruction of the Buddhist order, and that's nothing but Mara.

Mara intervened, and created this monstrosity of an ideology in a place where Buddhists forgot the basic tenants of Buddhism.

From there, his army kept conquering the Buddhist lands, one after the other, and now, they've come to our doorsteps, asking us to "convert, or die!".

If we Buddhists don't act now, what happened to Arabia, Levant, Iran, Afghanistan, and indian peninsula, is gonna happen to Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Mongolia, and Japan, as well

Look at the situation of Buddhists in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, in Bangladesh. Do you wanna live like that in your own countries too? What certification do you have the same thing won't happen to you?


Here's what we need to do.

For the sisters :

Sister, how old are you? Are you schooling? Then finish schooling soon. Don't bother about getting into any relationship, especially the one who's seeking the relationship isn't a Buddhist. Flatly say NO and focus on building your own life. Study hard.

This is important. Never let your guard down, around anyone. Always be in a group of fellow sisters (and I mean fellow Buddhist girls of your age), and if possible, seek protection of your own brothers at home, or some brothers in Dhamma (ie fellow Buddhists).

Whatever comes across as a challenge in your career, be it school education, or college, whatever, focus on overcoming that. Meanwhile, don't do anything that helps the enemy (you now know who that is) gain the upper hand over the Buddhists.

Don't help them in any way.

Don't even confront them verbally. Don't ever accept a relationship invitation from one of them, and seek physical protection from those monsters whenever possible, because since you don't accept their invitations willingly, they might resort to physically violent means.

Always be in a pack of fellow brothers and sisters in Dhamma. Keep the pack as large as possible. Spread awareness among other Buddhists.

If someone tries to flirt with you, respond rudely. That'll discourage them from further advancements.

Don't help the enemy grow, even with a single word. This is called "Brahma Dandana (the Good Punishment)," in Dhamma.

Boycott the enemy in every way, and also watch out for those of other communities who don't boycott the enemy, and boycott those people too.

Boycott those hypocrites who identify with Dhamma. Those are the ones who identify as Buddhists, but help the enemy grow through their actions.

Don't buy from the enemy, anything except property. Sell to the enemy every good, except property.

This way, it allows the Buddhists to spread into enemy territory, while not allowing the enemy to do the same to the Buddhists. We won't be safe even in our own lands as long as they live alongside us, and one way to free our lands from them, is to do as above.

They're breeding like rabbits so they can take over our land faster. But these "rabbits" they breed won't have enough resources to feed on, when we don't allow them to expand into our territory.

At some point, they're gonna give up, and contract backwards, and their numbers are gonna fall.

Do not befriend them unless you have to do that for your protection, and even when you do that, make sure to never let them gain the upper hand over you.

Seek a marriage as soon as possible, but only with a brother in Dhamma. If a non Buddhist seeks marriage with you, ask him to become a Buddhist. If he accepts, accept his conversion at a temple in front of monks, your parents etc.

Also, make sure that he never contacts his former community ever again. Seek help from fellow trustworthy Buddhists to achieve this.

There are a lot of things in today's world to divert you from your goal of serving Dhamma, and the Buddhist order, dear sister.

Don't fall for any of that. Also, know that, serving Dhamma is the best for you, and crushing the enemies of Dhamma, is the best way to serve it.

After marriage, encourage your Buddhist husband to have as many kids as possible with you, & do a few important things with the kids.

1. Raise them in an environment of Buddhism ie pray at least once a day in front of your kids and involve them in the prayer.

2. Teach them the most practical aspects of Buddhism, such as the responsibilities of each Buddhist, mentioned in Singalowada Sutta, Satta Aparihaniya Dhamma etc.

This way, you give the idea that Buddhism is a practical religion, which it is, and thus worth sticking with, and protecting.

3. Build their faith in you, especially, keep them convinced that your word is the superior word in their lives.

This is important because, you might be living in an environment where Buddhist way of life isn't the supreme, and thus, making kids aware of this Buddhist agenda, and them talking about it with a stranger unknowingly, can be dangerous.

So, in order to keep them from talking something unnecessary, the best way is to not making them aware of it, at all.

However, when their minds aren't in such a position when they're young, it becomes hard for them to later get their minds to it.

That's why you have to build their trust in you, so they know that it's you who knows what's best for them.

So, when they're old enough to keep a secret, you can reveal them the agenda, and they'll not only bring their minds to accept it, they'll keep it a secret as well.

Encourage your kids to pay attention to nothing but improving themselves, in every possible way, so they can serve the Buddhist order, and thus serve Dhamma.

Especially, watch out for your daughters.

Teach them to watch out for themselves the same way I taught you to watch out for yourselves. Teach them everything I taught you.

I'd advise you to learn a deadly martial art, preferably Muay Thai, and teach the same to your sons and daughters.

If you can't, or don't want to have kids for some reason (which I don't encourage), at least adopt kids. When choosing kids to adopt, choose as young kids as possible, so there's still enough time to set their minds the right way.

If you can, seek older Buddhist kids who still can be set for the same purpose, or who already have their minds set on serving Dhamma. Never choose older non Buddhist kids, because their minds are set on serving something that conflicts Dhamma.

Now, for the brothers :

The suggestions for you guys are also quite similar, however, here's the thing.

We can serve the Dhamma much more effectively but taking control of enemy bloodlines.

This can be done by you brothers showing love to girls on the enemy side, so they're convinced to choose you as their husbands.

However, they're a dangerous group, so if you're gonna do this, make sure of your safety. Get more brothers and sisters to help you in the cause.

A sister in Dhamma can help you get close to a girl in the enemy side.

After you marry her, you can get her turned to Buddhism, and make her a mother of as many Buddhist kids as possible.

It's important to make her Buddhist, brother, and here's why.

The kids naturally spend more time with their mothers than fathers, especially the young ones. So, a mother has a far easier time programming a kid ideologically, compared to a father.

However, when she also wants to program the kids of the same ideology, then there's no problem

At this point, you need to see this, brother. If you're gonna wage what I'd call the "love Dhamma war," you're gonna have to be careful regarding the girl you choose, coz she should be someone who's flexible enough to go enough far, to be with you.

There's no point wasting your time on an enemy camp girl who's strict on her anti Dhamma faith. You can spend that time developing yourself.

Finish education asap, find/create a source of income asap, marry a sister in Dhamma asap, and make as many kids as possible.

When choosing a sister in Dhamma to marry, choose one who's of legal age, but as young as possible, so there's enough time to make as many kids as possible, for Dhamma.

You too, develop a martial art, coz in times like these, nobody can tell when it'll come in handy.

Now, if you wonder why numbers are so important to us Buddhists, here's what pew research has found out about Buddhists.

Most Buddhists lived in Asia Pacific region (98.7%) in 2010.

However, the number of Buddhists living in the asia pacific region, is projected to decrease from 2010-2050, from 481.29 M to 475.84 M.

Even though the numbers of Buddhists living in other parts of the world are projected to increase during the same time, this decrease is projected to cause a decrease in the Buddhist population in the entire world.

During this time, the Buddhist population in the world is projected to decrease by around 1M, and in Asia Pacific, by almost 6M!

And the reason for this is mostly demographics. Buddhist median is one of the highest in the world (36).

The average Buddhist is 6 years OLDER than the average person.

Buddhist median age has also increased from 2010 (34) to 2016 (36).

Buddhists are projected to decrease from 2010 all the way to 2060.

2010 : 7.1%

2015 : 7%

2020 : 6.6%

2030 : 6.1%

2040 : 5.7%

2050 : 5.2%

2060 : 5%

Also, from 2010 to 2050, while 3.37 M will convert to Buddhism, 6.21 M will leave Buddhism!

Also, Buddhists have only 1.8 kids, on average, per each couple.

So, the three major reasons Buddhist order is dying :

1. Higher median age

2. Lower birth rate

3. Minus conversion ratio

Higher median age is fueled by the fact that Buddhists aren't having enough kids, and one reason for this is that Buddhists take too long to marry and settle down.

Now, I don't blame you if you're a single Buddhist, who's kinda too old to marry.

Most of us were unaware of what's going on until recent years anyway.

However, now we know, and now we know that if we don't radically change our way of life, although still in a Buddhist way, we're through, may be in a few years.

1. Decrease the median age.

The average median age of the world is 30 years, and the lowest median age for any religious group is 24 years. Buddhists have to lower their median age even lower, if they're to overcome this problem.

However, median age is affected by the numbers of members in each age group.

Thus, in order to lower the median age, we have to make more, and more Buddhist kids.

More Buddhist youth, means median age drifting towards a younger age.

That's not all, though.

Buddhists practice something I'd call the "monk tradition".

Buddhists become monks/nuns, most of the time without breeding kids previously.

This leads to more older Buddhists and less younger ones.

As much as becoming a monk is a noble thing, it's still not a service for Dhamma if it leads to the very disaster of Dhamma, right?

So, I'd like to request to my brothers and sisters of Dhamma, if you're thinking of becoming a monk/nun later in life, please consider getting married and making as many kids as possible before that. Think what will happen in the future, if you don't do that. Please.

2. Increase the birth rate.

Obviously, this can be done by making more kids. However, here are some tips.

Usually, the legal age for marriage is 18, and a woman stops her menopause at 50.

=> 32 years => 384 months

If a sister breeds one kid per 2 years 10 months,

=> 11-12 kids

This is, excluding the chances of breeding twins, triplets etc.

I've seen many, many Buddhist families here in Sri Lanka that has more than four kids. Some with as many as eight kids. Some Buddhist families, that aren't even rural families, with seven kids!

The reason I put a 2 years and 10 months gap between each breeding session, is because to breed the healthiest Buddhist kids, that time will be required. However, if you prefer to serve the order through increasing numbers, it's fine even if you breed them sooner.

3. Have a plus conversion rate.

Buddhism is the most convenient religious ideology out there. It has all the aspects of practicality, and when preached the right way, it can gain the most number of converts as well.

But, Buddhists have been getting this wrong since a long time.

Buddha explains Dhamma as "ehi passiko (come and see)" and many Buddhists seem to interpret as it's something non Buddhists must come to Buddhist temples and see. However, what this really means is that Dhamma itself is something that the person should "go to" and "see".

Dhamma doesn't come to anyone and show itself, because it's not an alive force. It's not God. It's just the way things happen in the universe. It's us who have to go and see it for ourselves.

However, we Buddhists can go to other people, and preach them Buddhism.

We also can put aside our secular, liberal thinking, and try to gain converts to Buddhism, whenever the opportunity presents itself.

1. Admitting a non Buddhist kid to a Buddhist school.

2. Giving a job to a non Buddhist at a Buddhist firm.

3. Accepting a non Buddhist to a Buddhist 


There are many instances in which Buddhists can gain converts from other parties, and if we use all of them for our gain, we can make a plus conversion rate for Buddhism.

What's even more important, is to make sure that these people stay Buddhist.

That might not be easy with the modern circumstances, however, if we keep a close watch on everyone who converts, that won't be impossible either.

Keep constant contact with them.

Teach them the beauty and the practicality of this beautiful, practical religious ideology. Follow the seven rules of welfare, to keep a tight knit of the local Buddhist community.

1. Get together, discuss, and disperse, in peace

2. Get together regularly

3. Don't make new rules and don't break the old ones

4. Revere adults who advise you on personal improvement and serving the order.

5. Protect our sisters in Dhamma

6. Protect the monks, who entered that lifestyle after serving the Dhamma like you're doing now

7. Protect, and sponsor, the monks, referred to in 6, and their temples, constantly.

What's even more important, is to make sure that these people stay Buddhist.

Dear brother, dear sister, this is a hard battle for us to win, but it's not an impossible one.

So, let's spend no more time, money or anything on useless worldly pleasures, and our absolute best on making our order a force to be reckoned with. Help me get this done.

Triple Gem Bless You, and Triple Gem Bless the Buddhist Order!! 🙏🙏


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