Dear Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jains,


My brothers and sisters in Dharma, listen up.

Can you spend just 10 minutes to read something important today? Because, this is very important for all Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jains, in the world.

We all have a duty, as people following Indic religions, to rid our lands of those who follow invasive religions ie religions that came to our lands as a result of invasions.

Obviously, I'm taking about Islam and Christianity.

Why do I have this attitude towards them, can you guess? Also, do you think you can do what I suggested in the last tweet? Lemme explain why I said what I said, and how we can achieve what I suggested before.

These people invaded our lands from the west, one group in the 300s and the next one, starting from the 600s. Both of these groups have been, and still are, dangerous to our way of life, in our own lands.

They've been destroying our way of life ever since they started invading our lands, and they're doing that to this moment!

They're not gonna stop themselves, so we're the ones who have to rid, not only our land, but also the whole world, of them.

Here's how we can do that.

Now, our politicians may or may not do what we what, so for the sake of the thread, I'm gonna assume they're not gonna do it, and show you what we still can do in such a scenario.

In other words, the most basic groundwork.

I'm gonna lay out "the Three Staged Dharma Yuddha".

Stage 1 :

This is the stage we're at right now. In this stage, we don't find many fellow Dharmic people who share the same goal as we do, and thus, we find it near impossible to get rid of those previously said invaders, or as I'd like to call them "Adharmis".

We see that these ideological invasion continuing into our territory, and not many of us even care.

So, this is what we have to do.

I know many of you hate those Adharmis, but, try not to show them your hatred to the face. Smile at their faces, although your hearts curse them.

While you pretend to be nice to them, don't do anything that actually helps them grow.

Dharmic = Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Jain.

Don't sell them your property. Don't buy from them anything, except property.

If they're selling their property for a price that's too high for you, call other Dharmic people you know and share the same passion to rid the world of the Adharmis, and intervene against their fellow Adharmis who seek to buy the property.

That way, those Adharmis will have no choice, except to sell you their property for whichever price you wanna buy them for.

However, since it's stage 1, it's likely that you're not in a situation to actually make this happen. Don't worry about it too much.

Do what you can do.

Be in good terms with the fellow Dharmic people living around you. Keep a constant contact among each other, through temples, or elsewhere.

Ex : you're a Buddhist, and you wanna make awareness to fellow Buddhists.

If the local Buddhist monk supports your goal, the temple will be a good place. If he doesn't, get together with the Buddhists who do support your goal, elsewhere, let it be your house, or some other Buddhist's house.

Similar goes for Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains.

However, Buddhists can't get together with Hindus, Sikhs, or Jains at a Buddhist temple, or at any temple, because specific temples are for specific Dharmic people.

Ex : Buddhist temples for Buddhists, Hindu temples for Hindus etc.

So, in this case, it's good to get together at a somewhat large house of a trustworthy Dharmic person in the area, who also shares the same goal.

I'd advise my brothers to get together at least once a week like this, but if it's impossible for some inevitable reason, plz get together whenever possible. Plz don't make laziness a reason to avoid such a gathering, dear brothers. It's very dangerous.

Such laziness and lack of union is exactly why we are in this mess today. There are vast lands in the world where our Dharmic brothers and sisters are suffering under these Adharmis.

If we don't do the needy now, the same is gonna happen to our Dharmic sons and daughters in our very own lands.

Speaking of getting together, I'd also like to suggest another thing now. Don't get together at the same house.

Get together at different houses of the Dharmic brothers.

The reason for this is, because there can be some among those Dharmic brothers who's a pretender. He's an Adharmi, pretending to be Dharmic.

If a "brother" keeps avoiding his turn to allow the meeting at his place, it can be because he's such a pretender. When you notice such people, try to find as many details about them as possible, or cut them off. They're a danger to the cause.

Keep talking about the problem to more and more Dharmic people in the area. If they agree with you that those Adharmis are indeed a threat, they'll also agree to take part in the meetings. If they're fools who think otherwise, don't waste time on them.

Keep moving, keep talking, and keep collecting those who agree.

Meanwhile, keep a close watch on fellow brothers. Some of them can be traitors, spying on behalf of local Adharmis. If you find such people, provide your proof to the trustworthy brothers and cut them off.

As you grow in numbers locally, get the local Dharmic businesspeople to take part in such meetings too. Cause boycotts on those who refuse to take part.

Speaking of boycotts, boycotting the Adharmis in a specific way is important here.

Why i said "in a specific way," is because boycotting them completely might actually hurt our cause.

One part of kicking them off our land, is to spread into the local lands that they're holding, and we can't do that without buying land from them.

It's stage 1, so the only way we can possible acquire their land, is buying.

Meanwhile, don't sell your own land to Adharmis, or even Dharmics whom you don't know to share your goal.

When you wanna sell a land, talk to the brothers who share your goal, and get it sold through them.

That's about property. The rules for other goods, is basically the opposite.

Sell them whatever good or service you can, but don't buy any good or service from them.

This is necessary to get their money to flow into your hands, while keeping your own money from going to theirs. Remember this. Every unit of money you spend on them, is gonna come back at you, or a brother, as a conversion attempt, or worse, a violet physical attack!

Also, there can be occasions where a local Adharmi is in a rush to go somewhere, or to send a family member somewhere, and he needs your help.

Don't help them at all. It might be hard for you to deny help.

But remember, these are the people who have been destroying our Dharmic way of life since a long time. If you help them grow now, they'll surely use that too to destroy you later. They're all vermin, but they don't show their true colors when they're in the minority.

Know that your "friendly" Adharmi is still a monster. Don't help him at all.

However, don't lash out at him. Make up some excuse as to why you can't help him. Pretend to encourage him, but don't actually do anything to help him.

Now, more about cultural acts.

It's important that you make as many healthy kids as possible and program them for this Dharmic agenda from an early age. However, you might be living in a place where your kid unknowingly telling this to an Adharmi can cause trouble to you.

By Adharmi, I mean both those who follow an Adharmi ideology and those who identify with a Dharma but help Adharmis.

In this case, don't tell the agenda to your too young kids. But, raise them in a strictly Dharmic background.

Make sure to convince them that it's you who knows what's best for them

When they believe that you know what's best for them, and you know what's best for them, they don't hide anything from you, and when they're old enough to keep a secret, you can tell them the actual agenda.

At some point, you'll come across a situation in which an Adharmi seeks a martial bond with a Dharmic, of your family, or of a Dharmic family you know.

Do your best to stop it from happening. Adharmis are usually unlikely to initiate something like that with staunch Dharmics.

However, this isn't something that never happens.

If this happens to your family, reject it, or if the Adharmis are steadfast on their request, present them with your conditions.

1. The Adharmi party member must be female (don't use the word "Adharmi" here. Use what they use).

2. She has to convert to your Dharma, and live in the house of her Dharmic born husband.

3. Her relatives can visit her only if they also convert to the Dharma beforehand.

4. Once a relative converts, even for the sake of visiting her, there's no way out.

If such a relative is in danger, provide protection to them at your place or a place of a brother. However, block all communications between the relative and the outside world to make sure he can't spy.

5. The # of kids the marriage produces is solely the decision of Dharmics.

The religion of the kids is definitely gonna be the father's one, and the father can't convert to the Adharma.

6. The kids can't connect with the mother's relatives, unless the relatives convert to the Dharma beforehand.

The Adharmis will prolly give up by this time.

However, once in a while, you might meet a Dharmic who's foolish enough to fall for this Adharmi trap. When you find him, explain him the agenda of the Adharmis, and get him to cut off all ties with the Adharmis (if a Dharmic woman marries an Adharmic man, she's Adharmic too).

If he disagrees, get as many Dharmics as possible to cut all ties with that person. Such hypocrites are like spreading wounds in the Dharmic community.

Like you have to cut off an infected limb to save yourself from such a wound, you have to cut such fools off to save your ppl.

So, in short,

1. Economically boycott the Adharmis by not buying from them & selling them only.

2. Culturally boycott them by not allowing them to gain a single Dharmic bloodline through marriage.

3. Territorial boycott them by not selling them your property.

When you buy theirs, make sure they can't rip away your economy from you through that.

Meanwhile, teach your somewhat adult sons to feign love to Adharmi daughters in order to convince them to become Dharmic for the sake of being with your Dharmic sons.

Even pretending to be Adharmi is fine. However, this is a task that shouldn't be carried out unless you're absolutely sure of the safety of your loved ones.

So, did I miss something? I think not.

So, basically, stage 1 is when you're too badly outnumbered by foolish "Dharmic" people in your locality and hard to get them to do the needy.

With enough efforts in the above said criteria, you, or those who come after you, can go to stage 2.

Stage 2 :

In this stage, you can encourage fellow Dharmics to boycott the Adharmis. You can print handouts and distribute without the risk of getting into legal trouble, coz at this point, the law makers and the law enforcers, will likely be on your side, as long as you don't get violent.

That means, you'll be free to have a stern face and a harsh word with the neighbourhood Adharmis, if any left, but if you physically attack them without provocation from their side, you'll be in trouble.

In this case, don't get physical with them, but do the rest.

This will, eventually, convince the Adharmis to eventually leave the area, because the area is obviously hostile to their advancements.

You're gonna have to start stockpiling means of defense at your house at this point, because the Adharmis might attack you out of desperation.

When they do that, respond them with as much might as you can muster, do they'll be incapable of doing that again. Their numbers will fall too, probably.

Be equally stern against the hypocrites who identify with Dharma, but side with the Adharmic against you. They'll all leave.

Keep up, and entually, we'll reach stage 3

Stage 3 :

In this stage, the Dharmics can do absolutely anything to the Adharmic with impunity. Except for a minority of localities in each Dharmic majority country, no other place has reached this level

And, do you know what to do?

Simple, everything!

Let it be hard physical contacts on the Adharmis and their property with Dharmic hands or whatever Dharmics can hold in them, or any other way, Dharmics can, and must, drive the Adharmis out of where they drove Dharmics out of.

At this stage, the politicians and the police are also staunch Dharmics, and thus won't stop any physical attacks against the Adharmis. Adharmis will be converted, driven out, or killed.

Locality after locality, one Dharmic country after another, will turn against them.

A point will come, in the future, in which all the Dharmic majority countries have leaders who share this very ideal. They'll then band together, as one military and economic coalition, and coerce whatever country they can, into becoming Dharmic majority countries.

These new Dharmic countries will be added to the same coalition, and with time, the coalition will build strong enough, and then, the still remaining Adharmi lands will be invaded, and turned to Dharma, militarily

Then, the Dharmic will truly win, & the Adharmi will truly lose.

Then, all of the Adharmi texts in the world will be proven wrong. 

Now, go and get to work, brothers and sisters. We've a long, hard, but possible way to go

Triple Gem Bless You!

Krishna, Waheguru, Thirtankar help you!

Dharma protect you from Adharma & Adharmis!

Hail Dharma!


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