I Don't Like This Rift Between Hindus and Buddhists

Plz take a few minutes and read it, dear Hindu and Buddhist brothers 🙏

There seems to be a serious rift between Indian Hindus and Indian Buddhists because of what Ambedkar said about "Hindu Raj", being manipulated by hinduphobes into making it similar to Savarkar's "Hindu Rashtra".

Lemme settle this once and for all.

Those two are different. 

"Hindu Raj" referred to by Ambedkar is a state where Brahmin Hindus are the most superior, and they dictate the fortune and misfortune of everyone else. In such a state, every one except Brahmins, Kshatriyas, and Waishyas will likely be miserable.

Keep reading. 

One important thing to note that is that Ambedkar was oppressed as "low caste" Hindu when he was a boy, and he didn't know that the oppressive caste system he was living was something introduced to India by the invaders, to divide the indian Dharmic community. 

So, even as an adult, he was convinced to look at upper caste Indians as oppressors. So, when "oppressors" came up with a system to dictate everyone's lives, inexcusably, but understandably, Ambedkar thought it was a bad idea, and thus he stated that it'd be a calamity. 

However, this wasn't what Savarkar came up with. His ideas of "Hindu Rashtra" and "Hindutva" both revolved around one fact : Hindu unity against foreign aggressors.

However, according to him, again, the word "Hindu" had a different meaning. 

It wasn't the one religious group that we refer to as "Hindus" today.

According to Savarkar, Hindus were everyone who identified with, and worked for the improvement, of Indic religious communities, especially out of those who lived in the indian subcontinent at the time. 

So, as you can see, Ambedkar's "Hindu Raj" is a bad idea; it's a concept of a state run by corrupt Brahmins.

Savarkar's "Hindu Rashtra," however, is also bad, but only towards those who work for the anti-Indic ways of life, mostly brought to India by invaders. 

Dear Buddhist/Hindu/Sikh/Jain brothers and sisters,

We're going through testing times nowadays, and the very last thing we want is rift among us.

Don't divide among yourselves. Unite, and fight the common oppressor, and we all know who that is.

Triple Gem Bless You all! 🙏

I ran outta room. For the non Buddhist Dharmic brothers and sisters,

May Krishna Help You!! 🙏

May Waheguru Help You!! 🙏

May Thirthankara Help You!! 🙏

Let's rid our land of all oppressors and invaders.


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