My Take on Inter-Dharma marriages (ie a Marriage Between Two Members of Two Dharmic Religions), and a Marriage Between a Dharmic Person and an Adharmic Person

1 The World needs all four types of Dharma (Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism), so, it's a must that even if inter Dharma marriages are okay to take place, that must not cause the death of one of the two Dharmas involved.

2 In other words, the couple must teach their kids both Dharmas they've inherited, and kids will be allowed to learn and practice one Dharma if, and only if, there are at least one kid for each Dharma.

Ex : say a Buddhist man marries a Hindu woman, and has one son. He has to study and practice both Hinduism and Buddhism, until the couple can have another kid.

3 Now, the 1st kid most learn and practice both Dharmas (Hinduism & Buddhism), until the 2nd kid is old enough to be made aware of the two Dharmas he can choose from.

4 If he chooses both, then the 1st kid can choose either of the two Dharmas. If he Chooses one (say, Buddhism), the 1st kid should be asked which religion he chooses.

5 Then, if he also chooses the same religion as the 2nd kid (in this case, Buddhism), then both kids have to learn and practice both religions, or they have to come to an agreement on which kid Practices which Dharma, or the parents, and their families, can choose which kid follows which Dharma.

6 The goal is to make sure that such a marriage causes death on neither Dharma, and such a marriage causes no rift between the two involved Dharmic communities. In other words consider the marriage between a Buddhist father and a Hindu mother.

1 kid => both Dharmas (Hinduism & Buddhism)

2 kids => 7 scenarios

=>1st kid is Buddhist, 2nd kid is hindu

=>1st kid is Hindu, 2nd kid is Buddhist

=>both kids are Hindu and Buddhist

=>1st kid is Buddhist, 2nd kid is Hindu and Buddhist

=>1st kid is Hindu, 2nd kid is Hindu and Buddhist

=>1st kid is Hindu and Buddhist, 2nd kid is Buddhist

=>1st kid is Hindu and Buddhist, 2nd kid is Hindu

7 Those are the only ways the two Dharmas should be distributed between the two kids. Let's see what happens if there are 3 kids.

8 There are 25 different scenarios. However, by now I've recognized a pattern, and thus I know which combinations should be avoided.

9 The two combinations that must be avoided are, All Hindu (HHH) All Buddhist (BBB).

Possible ones :


10 Also, something I should have pointed out before, but I couldn't, is this. While combinations that give one Dharma complete superiority must be avoided (ex : HH, BB, HHH, BBB etc), combinations that allows both Dharma, but gives one the upper hand over the other, should be less preferable than the ones that give both Dharmas the same place.

11 In other words, combinations such as HB, BH, HXB, BXH HHBB, BBHH, HXXB, BXXH etc should be the most preferable. I think that solves the problem about inter Dharma marriages. Lemme know if you have any questions. I'd be happy to answer them all.

12 A standard interfaith marriage ie a marriage between a member from a Dharma and a member from an Adharma, is out of the question here. I'd advise you all to make sure that the member from the Adharma, converts to the Dharma, fully.

13 Converting fully means the ex Adharmic can't keep any relationship with his former relatives. There's no blood relationship between a Dharmic and an Adharmic.

14 In extreme cases, it's okay to allow a marriage between a Dharmic male and an Adharmic female, however, in this case, the Adharma must be limited to the heart and body of the female. She can pray as an Adharmi, but still she can't recite or read anything that promotes offense against the Dharmic in any way, and if she even dresses in an Adharmic way, she has to do it away from her Dharmic husband, and her Dharmic kids.

15 No kid will be allowed to choose the mother's faith because it's an Adharma, and the mother will not be allowed to visit the members of her Adharma wherever the same Adharmics have an upper hand over the Dharmics of her Dharmic husband's Dharmic denomination.

16 Feigning love towards an Adharmi in the pursuit of adding generations to Dharma is permitted, however, it's advised to carry out something as such only regarding cases in which the Dharmics have the upper hand, in every necessary way, against the Adharmics.

17 If a Dharmic leaves Dharma, kill him, because even though Ahinsa is good, Dharma-Hinsa ie hinsa committed in service of Dharma, is the best.

Triple Gem Bless You!

Krishna Help You!

Waheguru Help you!

Thirthankara help you!

Dharma keep you safe!


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