Three stages of Dharma Yuddha, Stage 1

(Dharmic = followers of Indic religions ie Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Jain)

Dharmic people should work, together, and individually, to spread further, and increase their power within each locality, and at the end, within the country itself.

In this stage, Dharmic people should do everything to gain more members to their each Dharmic denomination, but not from another Dharmic faith. It's advised to avoid inter Dharmic relationships that can lead to rifts.

Ex : a marriage between a Hindu man and a Buddhist woman.

In this case, there'll be no problems if one family agrees to let the other family take control of the religious aspect of the marriage. However, this isn't always likely to happen, since some families are pretty staunch in a religious sense.

So, regarding a case in both families wanna take control of the religious aspect of the new marriage, it's better not to continue with the marital affair, coz such an affair leads to rifts between two Dharmic communities.

The more important thing is dealing with people of non Indic religions.

Dharmic people, don't allow your sons, daughters, or any fellow Dharmic person to marry an Adharmic person, unless you're absolutely sure that you can certify that the Dharmic family can take control of the religious aspect of the new family.

Explain to them the truth, that these non Indic people have been destroying the Indic ways of life for centuries now. Explain to them what the Indic people have lost because of these invaders.

However, since it's stage 1, you might not be able to stop all such marriages, because the Dharmic people don't have the absolute political power on the land.

So, if such a marriage takes place, the least you can do is cutting off all negative ties with such a marriage.

What I mean by a "negative tie," is the kinda tie that allows the new invader family to grow. I'll, from now onwards, refer to them as "invaders" since they follow ideologies that came to the Dharmic land from outside in forms of invasions.

So, keep interacting with such a family, but don't actively help them, even when they're in a dire need of your help.

Take whatever help you can from them, that allows the Dharmic people to grow, but never help them in return.

A person who identifies with an Indic religion, but helps an invader grow, is a hypocrite. If you find hypocrites, banish them, and get other Dharmic people to banish them too. However, at stage 1, don't show your disgust of their hypocrisy, to their faces.

Smile with the invaders, while doing your best to rid the Dharmic land of their poison.

If an invader seeks a martial union with a Dharmic, make sure the invader becomes a Dharmic (by converting to the Dharmic faith), before the marriage.

Even after the marriage, don't allow the ex invader to interact with own invader relatives without the surveillance of the Dharmic party involved.

It's best advised not to allow the invader party to even find where the new Dharmic family is situated, because if the invader party holds the upper hand of the land, that leads to severe consequences on the Dharmic party.

Don't worry over what you can't change. Focus on what you can change, and those are things like,

1. Not selling your property to the invader

2. Not giving away your son/daughter in marriage to the invader

3. Not giving any kinda alms to the invader

Etc etc

Those are the things you can easily do. Actually, those aren't even things you have to do. Those are things you can avoid doing, because not avoiding them helps the invader grow.

Meanwhile, work towards growing unity among staunch Dharmic people like yourself.

Grow closer and stronger with fellow Dharmic people.

Ex : if you're a Buddhist, meet with fellow Buddhists and Buddhist monks at a local temple. If there are no local temples, build one. If it's impossible, meet elsewhere safe.

Discuss what the invaders have done to the Dharmic land and its people and what you can do to solve the problem.

Also, a Buddhist can meet his Hindu, Sikh, and Jain friends, in their temples, if you're allowed there. If not, don't make a scene over it.

Meet with them elsewhere safe.

The reason you shouldn't make a scene over something like that, is because the Dharmic people are weak against the invaders when they're separated from one another.

After all, all Dharmic people are sons and daughters of one mother, our Dharmic motherland ie the indian subcontinent.

If an invader converts to a Dharmic religion FULLY, it's fair to treat him as a fellow brother/sister.

If a hypocrite leaves Dharma and becomes an invader, banish him, and get other Dharmic people to do the same.

Come together, further, as brothers and sisters of one Dharma. Meanwhile, study hard. Start earning soon.

Always target to earn more as long as you can do it without making the Dharmic people less strong.

Marry a fellow Dharmic person soon. Preferably from own Dharmic religion, coz interfaith marriages, even within Dharmic religions, might lead to rifts. We can't afford that.

After marriage, start having kids as fast as possible. I'd suggest our sisters to do only the jobs which they can do while pregnant.

Dear sisters, don't get me wrong on this. I do respect your Dharmic femininity. I do respect your freedom.

However, if your freedom today leads to more Dharmic women losing theirs tomorrow, that's not a good kinda freedom, right?

The invader men are confining their women to their homes and forcing them to breed as many invader kids as possible to take over our Dharmic land!!

The reproductive age of a woman is between 12 - 51 years, and an invader woman is likely to breed invader kids throughout this period.

That means, she's likely to breed 46-47 kids during her lifetime!

There are over 200 million of them in India alone.

All of them are working together to take India away from the Dharmic.

If we consider Sri Lanka, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, and, Cambodia, there are almost 220 million invaders!!

Assuming 110 million of them to be female, that'll be an increment of over 5 billion of them in just 12 years!!

Now, in reality, the situation isn't this bad because of all kinds of reasons. However, I'm showing this to show how dangerous the situation can really be.

Also, this gives a small idea about what our Dharmic brothers and sisters can do to save the Dharma in our own land.

There are almost 700 million women, identifying with a Dharmic religion, that lives in the today's "Dharmic Land" ie in all countries with a Dharmic majority.

Dear sisters, again, I'm NOT in favor of taking away all your freedom. But think about this. Won't that be the greatest service to Dharma if you can help make sure of the survival of the Dharmic land in your generation alone?

If each of you bore as many kids as I stated earlier, that'll be over 30 billion kids in just one generation!! Our Dharma will be saved in one go.

As much as this is very hard to do, I hope all of our sisters, and our brothers, will target for this alone.

Brothers and sisters,

Plz think about this. The situation is very critical, and we may be the very last generation to do anything about this.

Especially dear Indian brothers and sisters, the situation is most serious over there, and so is your responsibility.

I'll do the best I can. I hope you'll do the best you can too.

I'll write the relevant articles for stage 2 and stage 3, and upload them here later.

Buddhists, Ttriple Gem Bless You!

Hindus, Sri Krishna Bless You!

Sikhs, Waheguru Help You!

Jains, Thirthankara Help you!

May the guardian devas of Dharma help us win our war against the invaders.

So, until next time ✌✌

Hail Dharma and hail the Dharmarakshaks ✊✊

Devas Bless You and Devas Bless the Dharmic Land 🙏🙏


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