
My response to Sagarika Ghose's "Ishq ishq ishq: Love can build a new social contract"

Find her original article here : To find her original tweet, type "The war against #lovejihaad”. Why cultural traditionalists are terrified of love and it’s subversive power to smash religious and caste barriers." to the Twitter search bar and press "search". Before I even begin to criticize what's wrong with the content of her article, I can't help but criticize what's wrong with the content of her related tweet itself. Cultural traditionalists aren't afraid of love. In fact, love has been a tradition of the Indic culture since time immemorial. A woman is loved as a baby, as a daughter, as a sister, and later, as a wife, and further later on, as a mother. In every stage of her life, there are men around her to love her, protect her and take care of her in every stage of her life. It was a society in which a woman could choose what she wante

The Final Request To All Buddhists Of The World From A Concerned Buddhist

Please, my dear brothers and sisters in Dhamma, read it all, fully. I'm begging of all of you. First of all, I have to say this. I dearly hope that this won't be the last time I'll be getting to leave a message for all of my brothers and sisters in Dhamma to read. However, I've decided to lay aside for a while from social media, or at least lessen the time I spend on it, and spend more time on improving myself in the real world, so I can actually make a positive difference for the Buddhists and other Dharmic people of the world. Here, by other Dharmic people, I'm referring to Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, and any other group who follows a religious tradition that independently originated in the Indian subcontinent. And this, even if this might not be my last message for all of you, this will very likely be my last message for a long time to come. So, without further due, I will start the message. Our community is in going through a dangerous phase. Actually, it has been goi

Three stages of Dharma Yuddha, Stage 1

(Dharmic = followers of Indic religions ie Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Jain) Dharmic people should work, together, and individually, to spread further, and increase their power within each locality, and at the end, within the country itself. In this stage, Dharmic people should do everything to gain more members to their each Dharmic denomination, but not from another Dharmic faith. It's advised to avoid inter Dharmic relationships that can lead to rifts. Ex : a marriage between a Hindu man and a Buddhist woman. In this case, there'll be no problems if one family agrees to let the other family take control of the religious aspect of the marriage. However, this isn't always likely to happen, since some families are pretty staunch in a religious sense. So, regarding a case in both families wanna take control of the religious aspect of the new marriage, it's better not to continue with the marital affair, coz such an affair leads to rifts between two Dharmic communities. The mo

How Serious Islamic Expansionism Really Is, in Sri Lanka

  I calculated a value that I'd call "Annual Multiplication Ratio - AMR" for Sri Lanka altogether, and for each religious group in Sri Lanka as well. I considered the most recent demographic trends ie between 1981 and 2012. Here's what I found. The AMR, for Sri Lanka, is 1.01237977. However, this value, for each community, is different from this average value. Buddhists : 1.010613794 Hindus : 1.003508068 Christians : 1.010275922 Muslims : 1.018219564 As you can see, the AMR for Muslims is the highest, and for Hindus is the lowest, in Sri Lanka. Also, only Muslims have an AMR value that's higher than the average AMR value in Sri Lanka. In other words, considering most recent trends, Sri Lanka is on its way to become an Islamic country. The reason Sri Lankan Buddhists and Hindus need to take this seriously, is this. Sri Lanka is the only Sinhalese majority country in the world, and the Sinhalese culture, which is a direct derivative of the local Buddhist culture, wi

I Don't Like This Rift Between Hindus and Buddhists

Plz take a few minutes and read it, dear Hindu and Buddhist brothers 🙏 There seems to be a serious rift between Indian Hindus and Indian Buddhists because of what Ambedkar said about "Hindu Raj", being manipulated by hinduphobes into making it similar to Savarkar's "Hindu Rashtra". Lemme settle this once and for all. Those two are different.  "Hindu Raj" referred to by Ambedkar is a state where Brahmin Hindus are the most superior, and they dictate the fortune and misfortune of everyone else. In such a state, every one except Brahmins, Kshatriyas, and Waishyas will likely be miserable. Keep reading.  One important thing to note that is that Ambedkar was oppressed as "low caste" Hindu when he was a boy, and he didn't know that the oppressive caste system he was living was something introduced to India by the invaders, to divide the indian Dharmic community.  So, even as an adult, he was convinced to look at upper caste Indians as oppresso

A Call to Action, Specifically for the Buddhists of the World

  Dear brothers and sisters in Buddha Dhamma, I'm requesting you, plz spare 14 minutes to read an article today, that's important for all Buddhists in the world. I decided to write this because of one reason, basically. Buddhists have the calculated highest median age, the lowest birth rate, and a MINUS conversion rate (ie more people leave than convert). This situation is quite detrimental when you think about it, as a Buddhist, because this means the ground of the world the Buddhists hold keeps shrinking with time ie Buddhists lose more and more political power with time. Now, you might tell me, at this point, that "so what? Isn't Buddhism all about detachment?" Now, as much as that's true, Buddhism is about being intelligent first, and thus, if our detachment today leads to disaster tomorrow, that's not the kinda detachment Buddhism promotes. Always know that Buddhism is practical 1st. Practicality is what comes in Buddhism 1st; not detachment or peace

Dear Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jains,

  My brothers and sisters in Dharma, listen up. Can you spend just 10 minutes to read something important today? Because, this is very important for all Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jains, in the world. We all have a duty, as people following Indic religions, to rid our lands of those who follow invasive religions ie religions that came to our lands as a result of invasions. Obviously, I'm taking about Islam and Christianity. Why do I have this attitude towards them, can you guess? Also, do you think you can do what I suggested in the last tweet? Lemme explain why I said what I said, and how we can achieve what I suggested before. These people invaded our lands from the west, one group in the 300s and the next one, starting from the 600s. Both of these groups have been, and still are, dangerous to our way of life, in our own lands. They've been destroying our way of life ever since they started invading our lands, and they're doing that to this moment! They're not gonn